
Home / Foot

Surgery of the foot and the ankle in the ortho-MD clinic, will be performed exclusively by prof. dr Dušan Marić.

This orthopedic team deals with all kinds of diseases and disorders of this region, primarily in first place working and sports injuries, fractures, deformities, birth defects, and other inflammatory pain conditions and processes.

Diagnostic and therapeutic methods include state-of-the-art advances with the use of microscopic and endoscopic surgical procedures, which allow for the correction of many conditions in ambulatory surgery reducing the need and inconvenience of hospital stay.

Specialized treatments and surgical procedures are used to treat the following conditions:

  • Diseases and ankle injury
  • Posttraumatic reconstruction
  • Tendinitis
  • Ligament lesions (sprains, fractures and tearing)
  • Congenital deformities of the feet and limbs, exerts
  • Diseases and injuries of the Achilles tendon
  • Painful heel
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Stress fractures of the foot bones
  • Bunions, hammer toes, folded fingers and other deformities
  • Arthritis ankle and foot
  • Disorders foot biomechanics
  • Cosmetic surgery and treatments feet
  • The need for cosmetic surgery – particularly by providing growth factors (skin lifting)

Additional cosmetic surgery involves correction of wrinkles, acne and face-based stimulation of stem cell growth. We emphasize the possibility of percutaneous surgical procedures of the foot (without cuts on the skin), after which the patients are free to go home with the made corrections to their feet, immediately after the procedure.

Fracture (epiphysiolysis) of distal tibia (tibia) and fracture to the outer ankle (malleolus lateralis)

Bunion Operations Before and After







